0740 621 090 Preturi   |   Luni » Vineri 09:00 - 21:00   |   Str. Teheran, nr. 2, București

Oral surgery

Our team of surgeons take care of complex surgery cases like:

complicated extractions, wisdom tooth, included teeth, apical resection, radicular and non – radicular cyst under anesthetics. In the case of dental surgery treatments, high performance technology contributes to assuring a quick and beneficial result from the patient. Our doctors, specialized in oral surgery use Piezotome in laborious extraction to avoid major bone tissue loss and to speed up/ reduce soft tissue healing (gum) which can be affected as a consequence of intra – operative trauma, this way avoiding possible post extraction complications.

Do you want to learn more about the beauty of your smile?

Ask us about your teeth’s health at office@citydent.ro or schedule an appointment for a consultation with your CityDent specialist, online or at the following telephone numbers: +4021.230.21.96 / +40740.621.090

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